Refund Policy

We believe in providing quality products and excellent customer service. We recognize that occasionally a product may have factory defects, become damaged during shipping, or be incorrectly fulfilled. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase when it arrives, please contact us promptly with your concern by creating a support ticket or by emailing and we would be glad to review your situation.

Any request must be made within two weeks of initial shipment delivery. We reserve the right to determine what we can or will offer (e.g., exchange, refund, return, etc.).

Elective Returns for Refund

You may select to return—at your own expense—any undamaged, correctly delivered item to our warehouse for a full refund of the product cost. Please open a support ticket to let us know you would like to return your order within two weeks of product delivery.

Elective Exchanges

You may choose to return—at your own expense—any undamaged, correctly delivered item to our warehouse for exchange to an equivalent product (e.g., wrong size t-shirt ordered). Please open a support ticket to let us know you would like to exchange your order within two weeks of product delivery. Elective exchanges are subject to product availability and Dragonsteel is not responsible for shipping costs.

All voluntary returns or exchanges must be received at our warehouse within 30 days of your original request. After that timeframe your request will be closed and a return or exchange will not be possible.

Digital Products

Digital products—ebooks, audiobooks, any other downloadable file, or any redemption code not fully controlled by Dragonsteel—cannot be returned, and thus are not eligible for a refund. Any purchase bundling both digital and physical products may be eligible for partial refunds in some situations. Please open a support ticket to discus options if you need to cancel a pending order or wish to open an elective return or exchange.

Involuntary Returns

If we receive a returned package at our warehouse, we will reach out to you to confirm your address for reshipment. We will send a follow-up email after one week, and if we do not hear back within seven days of our follow-up email your order will be refunded (not including shipping) and placed back in inventory.

Leatherbound Books

Due to the artisanal nature of our leatherbound books, some minor variances are to be expected and perceived imperfections may not be evaluated as damage. Additionally, handling of leatherbound books may sometimes cause cosmetic wear, which is not covered by our refund policy. Please see our article Caring for your Dragonsteel leatherbound books for methods to protect your books. If submitting a request for refund or replacement of a leatherbound book, please open a support ticket within two weeks of product delivery and include clear pictures of your leatherbound book that denote the applicable title. Requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Last Updated 26 Feb 2024